⚠️ Important
We value your opinion, and we also organise future developments according to the requests most voted for among all Asters users.
By accessing the Asters Public Roadmap you can:
➊ Monitor the development status of individual features
➋ Vote your favorite features among those that we are considering or are planned
➌ Suggest useful new features yourself
Step-by-step guide
⏰ Time: 2 minutes
To stay up to date on Asters upcoming features, click on Public roadmap
Here you can see all the future developments we are either considering or that we have confirmed. You can also see the ones in current development and all the features we have already developed and are now available on Asters
By clicking on a specific feature you can see a description, past comments and you can also leave a comment
To suggest a new feature yourself, click on Ideas
Then on Send Idea
Here you can write down a title and description of the suggested feature, and then leave your name and email
We will take into consideration all sent ideas and we will also leave it on the "into consideration" column for other Asters users to vote.
Based on both our feasibility analysis and users votes we will decide if we will develop such feature.